Site Name

T e r r i f i c

Stories for Children

Once Upon a Time...

Yeux and I, a company of creators, came together to tell good stories.

We believe if you:

  • tell a good story, reading is interesting.
  • add interactive illustrations, reading becomes immersive.
  • offer stories in several languages, reading becomes transformative.

With Yeux and I, reading is an educational and delightful experience for early readers and adults too!

Our Content

Yeux and I is a digital-first children’s story media company. We publish original stories and older favorites like fables and myths.

Our stories are interactive and multilingual—and always entertaining. We offer our stories in multiple languages, such as French and Chinese, with more translations on the way.

Explore our library! More stories will be added throughout the year.

Choose Your Adventure

Our read-to-me Read to Me image feature is functional on each story page. Read along or just enjoy listening to a well-told tale. It’s entirely up to the individual reader.

Our digital books are animated and interactive. When you see an animated button Button image in our digital pop-up books, click on it and see what happens next.

Click here for a digital book sample.

Subscription Simplicity

At Yeux and I, we’ve decided to keep it simple: no advertising, no in-app purchases, and no hidden or surprise costs on our website.

You get all of our stories. Any language that we offer for a story is available with your single subscription.

One subscription price provides access to all of our digital content each month.

Why Yeux and I?

A note about our name:

We believe that reading should be enjoyable in any language. In that spirit, our company name is a multilingual play on words: yeux is French for eyes and sounds similar to the English word you.

Above all, you and I reading together is what gives Yeux and I its true meaning.
